DIY family memory game from Petit Collage

Categories   DIY + Crafts

DIY family memory game

Raise your hand if you have a list of like 150 cute little projects you want to make for your kids, but never seem to get around to finishing. (Or starting!) Hoping it’s not just me.

Kristina here, popping in to share this super simple DIY Memory Game project I made last week in partnership with our friends at Petit Collage. From start to finish, including a trip to Michael’s for a few supplies, this project took all of 90 minutes. So achievable! I initially made the game for Louella, my almost 2 year old, but all three of my kids have been playing with it non-stop. Because kids just love looking through photos of themselves and their family, don’t they?

DIY family memory game


3 in craft punch
glue stick
patterned scrapbook paper
card stock
And family photos of course!

DIY family memory game

Step 1:
Print two copies of each family photo on thick card stock. (Make the photos slightly larger than 3 inches square.) Use as many family members as you like! I turned all of mine black and white for consistency, but color would work too.

Step 2:
Using the 3 inch punch, cut out family photos. Punch the same number of patterned paper circles.

Step 3:
Glue each family photo to a patterned paper circle.


DIY family memory game

I printed her brothers, her papa, her grandparents, our nanny, and of course her own photo too.

DIY family memory game

For the toddler set, the fun is really just naming each family member as they come up. Louella could do this for at least an hour so I call this little project a solid win!

DIY family memory game

DIY family memory game

DIY family memory game

And not surprisingly the big kids love this game even more. We had a bunch of kids at the studio last Friday and as you can see they quickly took over.

You can see more cute DIY templates over on Petit Collage‘s website, and their entire product line, which I’ve used on many a long car trip and airplane ride. And their back-to-school line is pretty darn adorable too. Which, OMG. We’re already back to school!

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