Blushy baby girl’s 1st birthday from Kelli Murray
If you know us, you know how much we love a sweet, thoughtful baby girl’s first birthday. Especially of the blushy, floral variety (but more on that later this week!). Leave it to inspirational mama Kelli Murray of Rylee & Cru (we’re right to assume you’re all already insta-fans, yes?) to celebrate her little dolly Quincy in just that way:
The happiest birthday girl!
Esther of Wallflower Inspiration brought the most swoonworthy peach and white floral arrangements for little Q.
Prettiest petite cake, too.
More cake photos, please!
Quincy is wearing Murray & Finn, FYI, for all you wondering. And her headband comes from Petite Boutique SC.
Love this wallpaper! Find more from this Kelli Murray party in our inspiration gallery:
What a pretty party. Happy 1st birthday to the cutest gal Quincy!
Host: Kelli Murray of Rylee & Cru / Supplies: Witty Bash / Florals: Wallflower Inspiration / Quincy’s Dress: Murray & Finn / Quincy’s Headband: Petite Boutique SC