10 tips for your family photo session from Alison Bernier + a giveaway!
Hiya mamas! Today we’re talking with one of our vendor guide members, and super awesome lady all around, Alison Bernier, about family photos. They are soooooo wonderful once you have the final photos, but getting ready and going through a session with kids (who frankly don’t care about family photos in the moment!) can be stressful. Alison is sharing 10 tips to make your next session more enjoyable here, AND… more importantly, we’re giving away a 45 minute, mini session to one of you Southern CA families! Be sure to enter at the bottom of the post.
1. Choose a location that suits your family best.
If your little one hates sand then the beach might not be a good idea. In home sessions are often best for itty bitty subjects but an open field is fun for older kids who like to run and explore.
2. Try to book your session during your child’s best time of day. If that’s at sunrise then lets do it! The light is pretty then too!
3. Bring snacks and drinks,
hungry kids are grumpy kids. Same goes for Dads!
4. Wear clothing that you can play in.
Short dresses for Mama’s and little girls alike are often hard to sit in. Also avoid clothing with large logos and graphics, they are distracting and can draw attention away from the sweet faces we are trying to capture. The whole point is to capture your family having fun together, playing around and interacting, try not to let your clothes get in the way.
5. Mamas, treat yourself and get a blow out
or your makeup done. It relieves the stress of having to do it yourself and when you feel like you look good you are much more comfortable in front of the camera.
6. Loosen the rules a little,
if your kids are acting up – run with it. Laugh at their silly jokes, tickle them, throw them in the air and spin them around. Have fun with your kids and let them be kids. Sometimes this means letting them behave in a way you wouldn’t normally but usually that means they will be enjoying themselves and be smiling. Those are the moments that feel most genuine and candid.
7. Realize that not all portraits need to be of everyone looking at the camera
and smiling. As a mum myself, I love being able to look back and remember how my little one tried to kiss my cheek or would laugh uncontrollably when her daddy put her upside down and tickled her tummy. I love being able to capture the interactions between each of you. The natural way a Mother will fix her child’s hair or the way a Father can so casually throw their toddler over his shoulder. It is nice to have those classic portraits of everyone looking at the camera but the beauty for me, really lies in the little details. The little things you want to remember later on when your kids are big and grown.
8. Don’t be scared to bribe.
You’re happy to come out and have your photo taken because you’re getting rewarded with pictures that you will treasure afterward. Give your kids (and husband if need be!) a treat to look forward to at the end. If you do bring candy… choose something that wont melt in Dad’s pocket
9. Be yourselves and try not to stress too much.
I know that’s easier said than done but kids feed off our moods. Begging a kid to look at the camera and smile doesn’t usually work, it’s better to play games and be silly with them to try and coax out the natural smiles and giggles.
10. Have fun!
You’re all dressed up in a pretty location wearing your best clothes. Enjoy it!
Now, the fun part… the giveaway! The mini session include:
- A 45 minute Mini Portrait Session with Alison Bernier
- Location of session must be within 45 miles of Costa Mesa
- Session includes 8 retouched digital images for you to print however you wish
*Session is for a group of six family members or less.
If you’d like to enter, fill out the form below! We’ll choose a winner on Monday.