The Naya Breast Pump
Offering up daily inspiration and inundating you with beautiful photographs is obviously our bread and butter here on Cakelet, but every time we get a chance to ALSO provide you with a super helpful motherhood resource, we scoop up those opportunities too. Even better if they provide a much needed mega laugh to all you fellow tired mamas out there too like the video Naya Health sent along when sharing the lowdown on their breast pump did. Just wait!
First thing’s first, you want to hear about the Naya Smart Breast Pump sitting on that counter, right? No secret that it’s the prettiest pump you’ll find when adding to your baby registry or searching essentials online.
It saves loads of time spent cleaning, because there are fewer parts to deal with.
But the real kicker is that it’s also the first ever breast pump that uses water instead of air through Hydrocomfort Technology™. Basically, it makes the whole experience more comfortable, efficient, and quiet. We probably don’t need to explain why each of those 3 words are kind of a big deal…
Super nice to see something that’s about more than just the process of pumping, but about US too.
To celebrate their launch and continue the conversation surrounding women + feeding, Naya created the aforementioned hilarious video called If Men Breastfed. It’s a fun way of shining light on everything mom has to face in the workplace, especially those first moments back after maternity leave. Be sure to send along to your Mr! And, like, EVERY mom you know!
Ummm yeah, keep that one in your back pocket, moms! Find more info about the Naya Smart Breast Pump on
*This post is sponsored by Naya Health. Big thanks to them and to all of our sponsors who allow us to inspire your family life every day!