DIY scribble dress
Categories DIY + Crafts, Kids Clothes + Toys
Remember that bright, creative girl’s room we shared last week from Visual Vocabularie? Well, she’s got another cute post for you all too. This dress! Her daughter wore it the first day of school but you could totally do this for a holiday gift for your little one! You have to see the video after the jump of how she turned her daughter’s drawing into a pattern for Spoonflower. She did it all by hand and with her phone. No graphic designing skills needed.
Laelia's Scribble Print from Jesyka D'Itri Marés on Vimeo.
Pop over to Jesyka’s blog to see her step by step instructions too. Though the video is pretty darn awesome!
Project by Jesyka of Visual Vocabularie / Fabric printed by Spoonflower / Dress pattern by Mingo and Grace
Milly on Nov 17, 2015
I looove this! What an awesome way to show how proud you are of your little artist! Also a great way to build up your child's esteem and creativity
ED on Nov 23, 2015
Good One :) Loved This