Father’s Day gift guide
Categories Holidays + Entertaining
We’re the first to admit that shopping for other women is waaaay more fun than shopping for a guy. But there are lots of cute ideas for dudes this year for Father’s Day. You already know we’re big fans of Artifact Uprising‘s thoughtful photo gifts, but if you don’t have the time to make something, there’s always a 16 foot canvas tent from Shelter Co. Or one of the other ideas on our list.
1. Leather tool box
2. Beardy Bob plate
3. Sphere ice mold
4. Bar tools set
5. Mazama coffee mug
6. Brass and wood pour-over stand
7. Shelter Co. tent
8. Aesop shave set
9. Wool serape blanket
10. Tropical wallet
11. California pennant
12. Mollusk trunks
13. Backpack
14. Vintage canvas floor pillow
15. Rockabye Baby! lullabye CD