First day of school photo ideas by Jillian Lupi

Categories   Family Photography

It’s Friday! For a lot of you that means the kiddos survived their first week of school. Yay! So here’s something super fun you can do this weekend while the excitement of school is still feeling fresh. Jillian Lupi from Snapped Studios came up with this charming photo idea: take a photo every first and last day of school!

First day of school portraits | Jillian Lupi of Snapped Studios | 100 Layer Cakelet

First day of school portraits | Jillian Lupi of Snapped Studios | 100 Layer Cakelet

She plans to use that same chair throughout the years, which we love. Can you just imagine her sitting in that chair when she graduates high school? Queue the tears!

First day of school portraits | Jillian Lupi of Snapped Studios

It’s not too late to start your own series. You’re going to LOVE to look back at them, and so will your kids. And while we’re talking about school, make sure to check out our school lunch ideas post from earlier this week!

Wooden chair/old dictionary & encyclopedia are from local auctions. The Kindergarten uniform is from Star Army Navy, the sun glasses are from The Gap. Yellow dress: The Gap / Camo flats: Old Navy / Headband: Mint & Arrows

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