Franklin Canyon family photos by Julie Pepin

Categories   Family Photography

The best part about sharing family photos on Cakelet is when we get to see kids explore, pick up sticks and wave them in the air as if they’re kings and queens of the forest, peek through bushes thinking they can’t be seen, and run up to mom or dad and give them a snuggle in between. They’re such pure moments that if captured perfectly, make for really beautiful photos. Julie Pepin captured said moments, and we absolutely love them.

Franklin Canyon family photos by Julie Pepin | 100 Layer Cakelet

Franklin Canyon family photos by Julie Pepin | 100 Layer Cakelet

Franklin Canyon family photos by Julie Pepin | 100 Layer Cakelet

Franklin Canyon family photos by Julie Pepin | 100 Layer Cakelet

Franklin Canyon family photos by Julie Pepin | 100 Layer Cakelet

Franklin Canyon family photos by Julie Pepin | 100 Layer Cakelet

Franklin Canyon family photos by Julie Pepin | 100 Layer Cakelet

Franklin Canyon family photos by Julie Pepin | 100 Layer Cakelet

Franklin Canyon family photos by Julie Pepin | 100 Layer Cakelet

Such a great set of photos, aren’t they?

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