Beachside summer tea party

Categories   Family Photography, playdate ideas

These three sisters know exactly how to spend an evening. Tea, macarons, a good read, fabulous headwraps, toes in the sand and lots of giggles. Let their youthfulness be a little reminder to get out this weekend and enjoy the summer (evenings preferably, when the lighting is just as sublime as it is in these photos). Simply Rosie, we can tell you had the most fun styling and photographing this sesh. Thanks for sharing it with us!

Beachside Tea Party by Simply Rosie Photography | 100 Layer Cakelet

Beachside Tea Party by Simply Rosie Photography | 100 Layer Cakelet

Beachside Tea Party by Simply Rosie Photography | 100 Layer Cakelet

Beachside Tea Party by Simply Rosie Photography | 100 Layer Cakelet

Beachside Tea Party by Simply Rosie Photography | 100 Layer Cakelet

How pretty are those macarons? They’re from one of our fave cake ladies, Jenna Rae Cakes.

Beachside Tea Party by Simply Rosie Photography | 100 Layer Cakelet

Beachside Tea Party by Simply Rosie Photography | 100 Layer Cakelet

Beachside Tea Party by Simply Rosie Photography | 100 Layer Cakelet

Beachside Tea Party by Simply Rosie Photography | 100 Layer Cakelet

Beachside Tea Party by Simply Rosie Photography | 100 Layer Cakelet

How about that makeshift tent? Find some driftwood and drape a couple of tablecloths or sheets and you’re set. Instant and pretty shade for tea time.

Beachside Tea Party by Simply Rosie Photography | 100 Layer Cakelet

Beachside Tea Party by Simply Rosie Photography | 100 Layer Cakelet

Beachside Tea Party by Simply Rosie Photography | 100 Layer Cakelet

Beachside Tea Party by Simply Rosie Photography | 100 Layer Cakelet

Beachside Tea Party by Simply Rosie Photography | 100 Layer Cakelet

Beachside Tea Party by Simply Rosie Photography | 100 Layer Cakelet

Wouldn’t this be fun idea for a small birthday party with a few little friends?

Photography & styling: Simply Rosie Photography / Macarons: Jenna Rae Cakes / Swimsuits: Joe Fresh / Outfits: Joe Fresh, Target / Girl’s headwraps: made by their aunt Nikki, and available at Foil

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