Dallas family photos for Ryder’s first birthday

Categories   Family Photography

We’re proposing a new idea (if you’re hiring a photographer, or having a friend take photos of your little one’s birthday party). A couple of hours before the party starts go out and take some family photos, because you know that by the time that party’s over, you’re going to be exhausted, your little is going to be ready for a bath, and a week later you would have wished you did. That’s what Heather Hawkins did with this cute little fam right before Ryder’s party.

Dallas family photos by Heather Hawkins Photography | 100 Layer Cakelet

Dallas family photos by Heather Hawkins Photography | 100 Layer Cakelet

Dallas family photos by Heather Hawkins Photography | 100 Layer Cakelet

Dallas family photos by Heather Hawkins Photography | 100 Layer Cakelet

Dallas family photos by Heather Hawkins Photography | 100 Layer Cakelet

Dallas family photos by Heather Hawkins Photography | 100 Layer Cakelet

Dallas family photos by Heather Hawkins Photography | 100 Layer Cakelet

Dallas family photos by Heather Hawkins Photography | 100 Layer Cakelet

Floral crown: Bows and Arrows
Triangle pattern bib: Fresh Bib
Ryders triangle cuffed shorts: The Sprouted Arrow
Ryders’ tee: Americal Apparel
Metallic temporary tattoos worn by mom and dad: Flash Tat
Nameplate ‘ryder’ necklace: James Michelle
Moms’ dress: BB Dakota

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