Manduka LiveON yoga mats for kids + a giveaway

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You know what’s fun? Giving you the chance to win products we absolutely love (and use all the time!). It’s twice as fun when those products are so environmentally-friendly that your kiddos can use every day. That’s why we’re pretty excited to celebrate the launch of Manduka’s new LiveON collection with this giveaway.

Manduka yoga mat for kids giveaway | 100 Layer Cakelet

You’ve heard of Manduka, yes? They’re the #1 choice of yoga teachers worldwide, and now their LiveON Collection offers a completely new, paradigm-changing approach to sustainability, being the first-ever 100% reclaimable and recyclable, closed-loop solution for yoga mats and gear.

Manduka yoga mat for kids giveaway | 100 Layer Cakelet

You + and your little will love their colorful new mats for so many reasons…

* They’re as safe as a pacifier: zero toxins or heavy metals!
* They’re Manduka’s first printed mat with animal designs–so kids can visualize that down-dog, cat-cow, camel flow.
* And the best party? They’re 100% reclaimable. So you can show your kids how to honor the practice and Mother Earth, recycling materials into Onward sandals or other products.

Need more convincing? Hear what these kiddos have to say about them:

Ok, time to win one for yourself! To enter the giveaway for a LiveON set of yoga mats (one for you, one for kiddo), fill out the form below. We’ll choose and email the winner this Friday. (US residents only, please.)

Good luck!

**UPDATE** Congrats to Sara H., our winner! You and your little one are going to love your new mats.

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