Baby number three maternity photos by Braedon Flynn

Categories   Maternity Photography

Up until a week ago Braedon Flynn was dadda to two sweet boys. Now his world, seen oh so beautifully through his eye, is completely changed. He and wife, Lindsay now have a little lady, Neela Rae to add to the bunch. She’s a beauty as you can see here, but before she made an appearance it was all about momma, a belly and capturing those last moments of just her & the boys.

Orange County maternity photos at home by Braedon Flynn | 100 Layer Cakelet

Orange County maternity photos at home by Braedon Flynn | 100 Layer Cakelet

Orange County maternity photos at home by Braedon Flynn | 100 Layer Cakelet

Orange County maternity photos at home by Braedon Flynn | 100 Layer Cakelet

They’re going to be the best big brothers, aren’t they?

Orange County maternity photos at home by Braedon Flynn | 100 Layer Cakelet

Orange County maternity photos at home by Braedon Flynn | 100 Layer Cakelet

Orange County maternity photos at home by Braedon Flynn | 100 Layer Cakelet

Orange County maternity photos at home by Braedon Flynn | 100 Layer Cakelet

Orange County maternity photos at home by Braedon Flynn | 100 Layer Cakelet

Braedon, thank you so much for sharing these sweet moments with us! Your house is just going to be full of love, now with two ladies in the house!

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Social Love

jessica on Jun 24, 2014

That top photo is STUNNING! What a pretty lady and sweet boys.

Braedon on Jun 24, 2014

Thanks so much for sharing these. Such a special time in our lives.

Jacquelyn | lark & linen on Jun 25, 2014

Maternity photos don't typically resonate with me, but these are making my heart explode! What beautiful memories!

chandra | oh lovely day on Jul 1, 2014

Braedon's photos (these and past ones) of his beautiful wife are my favorite maternity photos ever. just love them.

Robert Austin Fitch on Feb 27, 2016

What absolutely gorgeous photographs! Beautiful work!

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