Rainbow ideas for summer

Categories   DIY + Crafts, miscellany

We’ve been really digging the rainbow inspiration we’ve seen popping up around the webs recently. Here are some of our fave ideas of late:

Rainbow ideas for summer | 100 Layer Cakelet

1. Rainbow beach umbrella / 2. All-fruit ice pops / 3. Painted popsicle sticks / 4. Rainbow tassels (and straw bag!) / 5. A teeny citrus rainbow / 6. Super fruity tart / 7. Fruit simple syrups (perfect for homemade sodas!)

Rainbow food by Griottes | 100 Layer Cakelet

8. Pantone chips made from foods

Rainbow ideas for summer | 100 Layer Cakelet

9. Rainbow tassels (from this cute nursery) / 10. Rainbow ordered reading area / 11. A vintage rainbow nursery / 12. A simple rainbow themed party (plus a DIY here.)

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