Family photography at home by The Shalom Imaginative
Home can mean a lot of things to different people. The way the house smells when your favorite cake is baking in the oven. The sound of little feet on hardwood floors. Setting up a fort to camp out in the living room for movie night with the family… Andrew & Amanda of the Watters family have a little saying: “T.I.H. {this is home}” we whisper it in each other’s ears when we feel most connected to one another, most at home. it is one of our many ways of saying “i love you” & tells the other person that we are feeling happy, cozy, calm, & loved. so to me, home means family.” And that’s exactly what The Shalom Imaginative captured in these beautiful photos…
We also love what daddy had to say…
Like most people, I could say [the most beautiful moment of my life was]…my wedding, the birth of my children, the purchase of our first home, making love for the first time, etc. & while all those things were great & beautiful, they are not the ones I think of first. The ones I think of first are: living in Cedar Falls on Main St. & going to half price martinis at the Stuffed Olive every Monday night & just talking about life. Or walking on the beach in Mexico with my family as Stella dips her toes in the water & continually talks to herself about which way everyone should walk. “Stella go this way, Dad goes this way, Baby Brudder go this way, & Mom go this way.” Or even riding bikes through the English Gardens in Munich with Amanda; stopping to have some awesome sausage, sauerkraut, & a giant mug of beer. These are the moments most beautiful to me, because they are ours & no one elses.
Oh! And The Shalom Imaginative also put together a super sweet video that you can watch here.

Sarah Cauble on Apr 6, 2014
I absolutely love these photos. They're beautiful. On a side note, what color/kind of paint are Amanda and Andrew's bedroom walls?
Blair Luna on Apr 17, 2014
such a lovely home! but where did you get that cool pacifier?!