DIY painted tees for babies & kids

Categories   DIY + Crafts, Kids Clothes + Toys

We’ve seen so many cute baby tees out for spring, that we thought we’d try our hand at making a few fun patterns of our own.

DIY baby tees | 100 Layer Cakelet

They’re really pretty simple and all you need are a few packs of baby tees (or onesies) from Target, and your favorite colors of fabric paint.

DIY baby tees | 100 Layer Cakelet

We used q-tips to create polka dots. So super easy, if a little time consuming.

DIY baby tees | 100 Layer Cakelet

The possibilities with potato prints are endless.

DIY baby tees | 100 Layer Cakelet

And if you use a stiff bristled paint brush, you can make a fun version of either this tee or this tee.

DIY baby tees | 100 Layer Cakelet

Easy enough to knock out while the little one is napping. For reals!

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Social Love

Saskia on Mar 27, 2014

Adorable! I will definitely go for the cute raindrops!

Taylor on Aug 14, 2014

What a beautiful post, I love these tees. And what a great summer weekend activity. Thanks for posting!

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