A pink, yellow, and grey baby shower for Noa
This week has really been off to a pretty start. Yesterday we shared this sherbet colored carousel themed 1st birthday party, and today we get to see Barcelona based wedding blogger, Esther’s very serene & beautiful baby shower. They had the most darling activity, pom pom making! And the entire mood and palette of the party was inspired by this sweet Ez Pudewa elephant print Esther had purchased for the nursery. You’re going to love this one!
This might be our favorite use of a “guestbook”. New mamas barely have time to cook, so each guest left instructions for a fast and easy-to-prepare dish on recipe cards. The best, right?
Gotta get the food shot!
And then it was time to craft together! All the ladies sat around with a pair of scissors and balls of yarn and made bunches of pom poms. After they had finished, they were tied together to make a mobile that Esther could put above the baby’s crib.
Have you guys ever made these pom poms using yarn? So fun! We’re putting together a round up of fun ideas to share on the blog tomorrow, so make sure to come back for that!
Those little booties are just precious!
And here’s the mobile they put together using pom poms that all the ladies made. How special (and adorable) is that?
Congratulations Esther! Can’t wait to see little Noa!
Photography: Kissandchips / Venue & catering: Meeatings 23 / Concept & organization: Fueron Felices / Flowers & yogurt bar: Fueron Felices / Recipe cards: Design Eat Repeat / Woolen “Hola Noa” sign: Petit Meraki / Elephant print: Ez Pudewa

Esther on Mar 18, 2014
Thank you ladies for sharing my baby shower here... it really was the most special day for me! 8 days to go until my due date...can't wait to meet little Noa :-)!
Marta on Mar 18, 2014
Adorable!!! And congratulations Esther!! <3
anna-petit meraki on Mar 18, 2014
thanks featuring our woolen sign and our little booties :)
Megan on Mar 18, 2014
Congrats Esther!! You look great. xoxoxo
Bodas con detalle on Mar 18, 2014
Una baby shower preparada con mucho gusto. Enhorabuena por el bebé Esther!
Lexi @ Glitter, Inc. on Mar 18, 2014
This is absolutely lovely!
Megan [Glamour & Grace] on Mar 18, 2014
This is too cute! And Esther is just the sweetest!
Laura - Fueron Felices on Mar 19, 2014
Thanks Esther for letting me help you Thanks for featuring and making us sooo happy Noa, waiting for you
Carmen on Mar 22, 2014
Realmente precioso:)
Ez on Mar 22, 2014
What a blissfuly perfect baby shower! Thank you so much for including my illustrated print as a part of the decor for such a special day! I'm honored! xo Ez
Nicole Ransley on Nov 15, 2015
Hi there! I'm in love with Pom Pom mobile! Any chance you could email me with the how-to? Thank you so much xx