Modern heirloom family video by Woodnote Photography

Categories   Family Photography

Something beautiful happens when you bring a child into this world. All of a sudden you find yourself taking photos of every little face they make, their tiny toes… everything. They grow up, and you continue to do the same, worried that you’ll miss a moment. But when you have four children, it becomes more about capturing the relationship they have with one another. The connection siblings share is truly something special.

Excuse us for rambling and getting so sentimental. It’s just that after watching this beautiful video shot & edited by Woodnote Photography, we can’t help but look at our own kiddos and wonder what their relationships will be like years down the road. We’ve fallen in love with this family, and think you will too!

Can you imagine what it will be like for Finnigan, Ruby, Millie + Sylvie to look back at this video when they’re adults? Makes our hearts feel all warm inside.

Thanks for sharing Caroline + Jayden!

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Social Love

Sara on Mar 1, 2014

Wow, one of the most beautiful things I've ever watched. What a sweet and beautiful family.

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