The new Ergobaby wrap + giveaway

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We are very committed fans of Ergobaby here at Cakelet. In our book, their original carrier is one of the top must-have items for your baby registry. And as they’ve started to add more products to their line, we’ve been even more convinced of their brilliance in the baby space.

So when they asked us to tell you about their new, beautiful wrap we jumped at the chance. We convinced our friend Sarah and her teeny daughter Nora to model it for us, and just spending the afternoon with the two of them was enough experience to see that it deserves it’s own spot on your registry too.

The new Ergobaby wrap | Rebecca Fishman | 100 Layer Cakelet

As a brand new mom, you spend A LOT of time alone with your baby. And the first few weeks are beautiful and soft and sweet, but also confusing and different and include a lot of adjustment for everyone. It can be daunting to get out of the house on your own, but it’s also so important to realize your independence as a mother. Sarah actually hadn’t been out of the house on her own with Nora, but we convinced her that with the Ergo wrap in her corner, it would be a breeze.

The new Ergobaby wrap | Rebecca Fishman | 100 Layer Cakelet

Nora stayed snuggled up and sleeping in the wrap for our entire time together. We walked to get a tea at a local market, strolled through the neighborhood, and then made our way out to the beach for a walk at the water’s edge.

The new Ergobaby wrap | Rebecca Fishman | 100 Layer Cakelet

The new Ergobaby wrap | Rebecca Fishman | 100 Layer Cakelet

She’s making it look so easy, isn’t she? Let’s try not to hate her.

The new Ergobaby wrap | Rebecca Fishman | 100 Layer Cakelet

It feels like all you do is walk during the early weeks and months of motherhood. And when baby is brand new, there’s no place they’d rather be that wrapped up tight on mama’s chest. She’s sleeping and secure, you’re (mostly) free to do something simple for yourself… like take a walk on the sand and contemplate this amazing new chapter of your life.

The new Ergobaby wrap | Rebecca Fishman | 100 Layer Cakelet

The new Ergobaby wrap | Rebecca Fishman | 100 Layer Cakelet

We love how soft the Ergo wrap is… as Sarah said, like a really great pair of yoga pants. And even more than the quality of the material, can we discuss how amazing it is that there’s a pocket in the front!? Which means when out walking the baby around in your yoga pants (everyone’s postpartum outfit of choice), you actually have a place to store your house key and credit card. It’s such a nice feature, AND it doubles as a storage sack.

The new Ergobaby wrap | Rebecca Fishman | 100 Layer Cakelet

Thanks so much to Sarah and Nora for sharing the afternoon with us! You two are such a lovely pair.

If you happen to have a newborn or are expecting one shortly, Ergo is now looking for wrap ambassadors to share their experience with the Ergo wrap during their first sweet days with their babe. For details on how to enter their search, see their instagram account today!

And guess what? You don’t have to have  newborn to use the wrap. It’s perfect for carrying babies up to 18 months in a variety of different positions. Another reason we love it so much.

To enter our the giveaway, fill out the form below and we’ll announce the winner on Friday. You’re going to love it.

All photos by Rebecca Fishman.

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Social Love

Kristy McDowell on Feb 9, 2015

I'd love love love to win a ergo baby!!!

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