At home newborn session in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf

Categories   Family Photography

This beautiful, peaceful newborn family session comes to us from the sweet little town of Athens, GA. Kimberly and Jim welcomed their baby girl to the world a few months ago and had Logan capture a few moments at home as a new family of four.

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Those Aden + Anais star blankets are a fave of ours too. And her little bloomers??!!

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Baby Luca in Athens, GA by Logan Potterf | 100 Layer Cakelet

Stunning. Really. Thank you so much for sharing these with us, Kimberly! Congratulations on the birth of sweet Luca.

All photos by Logan Potterf.

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Social Love

Tara K. on Oct 22, 2013

Possibly the best set of family & newborn images I've ever seen. I'm sorry these aren't mine.

Angelica Golden on Oct 22, 2013

Absolutely precious! I'm in love with these, really. Wish I'd done newborn picks with my now 3-month old.

Hope K on Jan 8, 2014

I'm breathless! These are amazing and truly capture the heart of this family.

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