Southwestern baby shower by Grit & Gold

Categories   Baby Showers

Mama-to-be Caroline loves Navajo patterns and textiles, so Lottie of Grit & Gold knew the perfect theme for her baby shower. Mixed fabrics, a custom teepee, and yummy sweets made for a lovely afternoon celebrating this mama’s second little girl.

Navajo baby shower by Grit & Gold | 100 Layer Cakelet

Navajo baby shower by Grit & Gold | 100 Layer Cakelet

Navajo baby shower by Grit & Gold | 100 Layer Cakelet

Navajo baby shower by Grit & Gold | 100 Layer Cakelet

Navajo baby shower by Grit & Gold | 100 Layer Cakelet

Navajo baby shower by Grit & Gold | 100 Layer Cakelet

Navajo baby shower by Grit & Gold | 100 Layer Cakelet

Navajo baby shower by Grit & Gold | 100 Layer Cakelet

Navajo baby shower by Grit & Gold | 100 Layer Cakelet

Navajo baby shower by Grit & Gold | 100 Layer Cakelet

Navajo baby shower by Grit & Gold | 100 Layer Cakelet

Invites: Hush Art Co / Design + Planning: Grit + Gold / Floral: We Plus You / Photography: The Wild Years Co. / Rentals (mismatched china): Rent My Dust / Striped Teepee: B.E. Little You and Me / Stamped kraft bags – Etsy / Arrow muffin picks – Etsy

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Meaghan on Oct 8, 2013

I think it's really culturally insensitive for the party planners/vendors associated with this party to call it Navajo-themed, and I think it's doubly insensitive for 100 Layer Cakelet to trot this out as a great example of a Navajo-themed party. At what point do we look at our attempts at creativity and just call them really poorly executed cultural appropriation? Because that's what this is. It's a joke, really.

Jessica on Oct 8, 2013

I love everything about this party, the colours and patterns are so beautiful! I would never thought about that theme for a baby shower but it works perfectly. Lovely post x

Tricia on Oct 8, 2013

I completely agree with Meaghan. I've noticed posts like this before and would scroll past it but unless these people actually made an effort to learn Navajo culture, I'm not convinced that this isn't a mockery. I've known Native Americans that don't find such things offensive, of course, but I also know some who do. And before anyone starts off on saying how things like Scottish kilts are cultural appropriation too and how political correctedness is ruining everything, just remember that America was built on the blood and deaths of many Native Americans and that there are people who are still alive that were beaten in school for speaking a word of their tribal language. But apparently being "ethnic" is only okay when white people make it cool, only their versions are almost always watered down and stereotypical.

Carrie on Oct 9, 2013

I don't understand why people are getting offended by this. They mentioned that she was a fan/inspired by Navajo patterns not that this is a culturally accurate display of Navajo history in any way. It's supposed to be fun, colorful and full of pattern and joy. I think if they had used the term southwestern no one would bat an eye. There is nothing wrong with being inspired by different cultures. I love the unique baby shower idea and the design and use of color and textures is just stunning. Keep up the great work and don't worry about these ladies that take everything WAY too seriously. Congratulations on the new baby!

Lizzie on Oct 10, 2013

This is lazy, ignorant, and racist cultural appropriation. You have no right to call this "Navajo". I hope you change it. But don't even think about calling it "tribal" or "ethnic". Oh, white people.

Pamela Ann on Oct 10, 2013

Let's cut the vitriol on a site that celebrates momentous life events. I too, agree, that some of the choices made in this design and presentation were lacking foresight and sensitivity. HOWEVER, let's work to educate and illuminate people instead of simply insulting. Assume good will from a woman whose sole intention here is to celebrate a beloved child. simply emoting that these designs prompt concern could go a long way.

Jen on Oct 10, 2013

This sort of thing doesn't bother me personally, but seriously, guys, have you BEEN on the internet? Anything even vaguely connected to Native Americans is super touchy right now. Good luck with *that*....

Clarissa on Oct 10, 2013

I think there's a lot of ignorance to this, and I can't really say whose fault it is per say. Not to hound the author of this post, because I don't think she meant harm, but I like that people are realizing the term "Navajo" on things not really "Navajo" are insensitive. Again, I don't think the author is insensitive and probably didn't have a harmful or hateful thought behind it, but it's good that it's being brought to attention so people can really think about what and how they post. Yes, ethnic and tribal and whatever Native American group is attached to certain things and it's out on the Internet, but it doesn't mean we can't start the change. It all begins with us and opening our eyes.

LA on Oct 11, 2013

As a Native Canadian, I do not believe this is insensitive in any way. I think it should be taken for what it is, a post on a website which showcases ideas, tips and inspiration for events. Simply put, let's get back to the fun stuff and not take things so seriously! Anyone and everyone should be able to enjoy all aspects of other cultures (especially when planning a fun event, a baby shower of all things) without having to feel like they are being insensitive. To the author, thanks for sharing.

100layercake on Oct 14, 2013

Okeee, looks like we're closing comments here. Thanks to everyone for sharing your opinions. We've changed the title to read Southwestern, as the inspiration is certainly from that part of the United States. Congratulations to the lovely mama and her baby on the way.

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