HATCH Collection giveaway

Categories   giveaway, Moms + Motherhood, pregnancy + birth

We thought we’d celebrate the start of May, and the month of the Mama, with a rad giveaway from HATCH Collection. You know HATCH, right? The most coveted maternity apparel around at the moment? Such great silhouettes and styles and colors. Their line makes even the third trimester feel like a fashion show. And the best part? You can totally wear their pieces after bebe has arrived.

HATCH Collection giveaway on 100 Layer Cakelet

Since that’s definitely one of the most unique features of HATCH, we thought we’d show you how we’re rocking HATCH over here at the Cakelet headquarters. Let’s say hi to Junia, our adorable content manager, who’s expecting her first little girl in July. And Kristina, the most recently postpartum of our crew, with her little guys in tow. Hatch clothes are the perfect mom wear too!

HATCH collection giveaway | Scott Clark Photo | 100 Layer Cakelet

They took a little trip down to the boardwalk with their families to enjoy the action on a Saturday afternoon. And check it out: they’re both wearing the same jumper! 26 weeks pregnant and 9 months postpartum. Genius.

HATCH collection giveaway | Scott Clark Photo | 100 Layer Cakelet

HATCH collection giveaway | Scott Clark Photo | 100 Layer Cakelet

HATCH collection giveaway | Scott Clark Photo | 100 Layer Cakelet

Forrest’s little romper is from the new Paige Lauren Sorbet collection. It’s so super soft!

HATCH collection giveaway | Scott Clark Photo | 100 Layer Cakelet

HATCH collection giveaway | Scott Clark Photo | 100 Layer Cakelet

Junia, glowing in her HATCH jumper and Saltwater sandals.

HATCH collection giveaway | Scott Clark Photo | 100 Layer Cakelet

Kristina and her two guys watching the sights at the pier. Srsly, these clothes are easy to wear with kids. And because they’re all washable, you don’t have to worry about ice cream and spit up sending your favorite pieces to the cleaners every time you put them on.

HATCH collection giveaway | Scott Clark Photo | 100 Layer Cakelet

Want a bit of HATCH Collection in your wardrobe? We do too! The jumper is just one of the great pieces you can lust after as a pregnant lady. See?

HATCH Collection giveaway on 100 Layer Cakelet

To enter, fill out the form below and we’ll email the winner on Monday. Good luck, mamas!
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**UPDATE** Congrats to our winner Rachel A! You’re going to look gorgeous in your new HATCH piece.

All photos by Scott Clark.

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Social Love

Kaity on May 2, 2013

Love Junia!!

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