DIY Easter Tree decorations

Categories   Holidays + Entertaining

The Swedish Easter Tree tradition is a fun one to create with kids. Decorating anything is wildly popular with the youngest folk, after all. Bley from Bibliosophy Handmade created this sweet Easter Tree project for her children and their art group, and thought some of you out there on the internet might like to participate too.

DIY Easter Tree from Bibliosophy Handmade | 100 Layer Cakelet

It’s a nice, simple project to start and finish over family breakfast or with lots of small hands at an Easter egg hunt.

DIY Easter Tree from Bibliosophy Handmade | 100 Layer Cakelet

DIY Easter Tree from Bibliosophy Handmade | 100 Layer Cakelet

DIY Easter Tree from Bibliosophy Handmade | 100 Layer Cakelet

There are two downloads available at the end of this post – a blank version seen above so the kids can color it in themselves, and a full color version that only needs to be printed and cut.

DIY Easter Tree from Bibliosophy Handmade | 100 Layer Cakelet

It’s the perfect amount of complicated for little people. Color, cut, and string the figures onto branches or a tree of your choice.

DIY Easter Tree from Bibliosophy Handmade | 100 Layer Cakelet

Hot cross buns for Easter breakfast | 100 Layer Cakelet

Coloring goes so nicely with hot cross buns.

DIY Easter Tree from Bibliosophy Handmade | 100 Layer Cakelet

DIY Easter Tree from Bibliosophy Handmade | 100 Layer Cakelet

Love the simple, Scandinavian color scheme she chose for spring, don’t you?

DIY Easter Tree from Bibliosophy Handmade | 100 Layer Cakelet

You can download either the full color version (above) here, or just the outline version here.

Thank you so much for sharing this sweet project, Bley! More from Bibliosophy Handmade available on Etsy.

All photos by Briana Snyder Photography.


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