Baby June and her mama

Categories   Family Photography

Oh baby June. She is seriously a living doll. Look at these eyes and cheeks! Erin of Hello Pinecone shot June and her mama Susannah at Griffith Park on a sunny afternoon following a rain storm. The best kind of day in LA.

Photos by Hello Pinecone.

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Social Love

sara on Mar 19, 2013

that face! those pigtails! scrumptiousness.

Sue Jones on Mar 19, 2013

wonderfully beautiful photos <3

Angelica Golden on Mar 19, 2013

You seriously can't help but smile when you look at that cherub face! So adorable, and such beautiful shots.

Jackie {The 20 Something Society} on Mar 24, 2013

I think June deserves the cutest baby ever award.

Ashley on Apr 10, 2013

Oh my goodness, that adorable little ham is too much! Beautiful!

Amy on Apr 16, 2013

That baby cannot be real - so, so cute

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