Saturdays at home: Jillian’s family breakfast
Happy weekend, everyone! We thought we’d designate Saturdays on Cakelet as the day that we get a little more personal and share things that we all love doing with our families. The point is to be real, not too fussy, and just get to know each other a little bit better. Sound good? We’d love to hear about your weekend family rituals too.
Let’s start this off with Jillian’s family and their weekend breakfast. She’s going to take over from here:
For those of you who don’t know or are new to our site, I’m Jillian, one of the co-founders of 100 Layer Cake. I’m not a writer, far from it, but I’m attempting to pop over on Saturdays to share our family stories, because I truly love having a family. It’s my biggest accomplishment! Below is my adorable and wild 2 year old son Liam. Who loves oranges, A LOT, as well as trucks, trains, buses, the usual boy stuff. Every morning this little guy wakes up at about 6:30am yelling MAMA DADA (gotta love it), so we always bring him back into our bed, with the hopes of 30 more minutes to snuggle and wake up. Once he’s had enough of us being lazy, he drags us out of bed ready to start the day. On Saturday, I want to break out of our everyday breakfast routine and make something special. Which usually means my husband has to run to the grocery store to get the right ingredients. This morning I was craving fresh squeezed OJ, brioche french toast, and bacon. Nothing too fancy, ha! As you can see Liam loved it.
While mama’s cooking these two guys are having fun learning how to use crayons. Right now Liam’s just starting to get it but mostly he just eats them. Do your kids do this?
Case in point, crayons all over his mouth and teeth, yum! He loves it!
We got fancy and added orange zest on top. I love sweet and salty breakfast, it’s pretty much the best combo.
Here’s our little fam – as you can see, Liam is the center of attention. Hope you all have a fabulous, fun filled weekend!
photos by Scott Clark Photo

Angelica on Feb 9, 2013
Liam is such a cutie! Those oranges look so good. Love this kind of feature!
Calgary caterers on Feb 10, 2013
Thanks for sharing your family and your food. I love making homemade oj for my family too and adding orange zest to french toast. I usually put it in the batter with the eggs and milk but on top looks nicer.
Jessica on Feb 14, 2013
Such a sweet feature Jillian! Liam is adorable & that breakfast looked yummy!
Mary Herrington on Feb 16, 2013
What a cute start to the weekend! Jillian, I will need pointers from you soon on how to balance kid on hip while cooking a delicious meal! ;) Mx